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Part 2 / Forms / Named form actions

A page that only has a single action is, in practice, quite rare. Most of the time you'll need to have multiple actions on a page. In this app, creating a todo isn't enough — we'd like to delete them once they're complete.

Begin by replacing our default action with named create and delete actions:

export const actions = {
	create: async ({ cookies, request }) => {
		const data = await request.formData();
		db.createTodo(cookies.get('userid'), data.get('description'));

	delete: async ({ cookies, request }) => {
		const data = await request.formData();
		db.deleteTodo(cookies.get('userid'), data.get('id'));

Default actions cannot coexist with named actions.

The <form> element has an optional action attribute, which is similar to an <a> element's href attribute. Update the existing form so that it points to the new create action:

<form method="POST" action="?/create">
		add a todo:
		<input name="description" />

The action attribute can be any URL — if the action was defined on another page, you might have something like /todos?/create. Since the action is on this page, we can omit the pathname altogether, hence the leading ? character.

Next, we want to create a form for each todo, complete with a hidden <input> that uniquely identifies it:

	{#each data.todos as todo (}
		<li class="todo">
			<form method="POST" action="?/delete">
				<input type="hidden" name="id" value={} />
				<button aria-label="Mark as complete"></button>

Next: Validation
