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Part 1 / Reactivity / Updating arrays and objects

Because Svelte's reactivity is triggered by assignments, using array methods like push and splice won't automatically cause updates. For example, clicking the 'Add a number' button doesn't currently do anything.

One way to fix that is to add an assignment that would otherwise be redundant:

function addNumber() {
	numbers.push(numbers.length + 1);
	numbers = numbers;

But there's a more idiomatic solution:

function addNumber() {
	numbers = [...numbers, numbers.length + 1];

You can use similar patterns to replace pop, shift, unshift and splice.

Assignments to properties of arrays and objects — e.g. += 1 or array[i] = x — work the same way as assignments to the values themselves.

function addNumber() {
	numbers[numbers.length] = numbers.length + 1;

A simple rule of thumb: the name of the updated variable must appear on the left hand side of the assignment. For example this...

const foo =; = 'baz';

...won't trigger reactivity on, unless you follow it up with obj = obj.

Next: Props
